Blue circle health written in dark blue and orange with circle logo

Team Building by Storm

Hiring and culture dictate the success or failure of an organization. As a founding team, you do your best to hire great people, set the right tone, and then you wait and see how these decisions play out in the months that follow. Unless, of course, you’re hit with a natural disaster. Below is the […]

El Diseño de Blue Circle Health - Comenzando con los Primeros Principios

In the fall of 2021, a group of T1D experts was gathered by the Helmsley Charitable Trust, a leading funder of T1D care and research, for a two-day meeting to begin answering the question: If we could create a healthcare delivery system for people with T1D – unconstrained by tradition or reimbursement concerns – what […]

Introduciendo a Blue Circle Health

Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease that prevents the body from metabolizing sugar. To live, those with T1D must measure their blood sugar levels and calculate how much of a potentially deadly drug to inject many times each day in order to stay “in range.” Deviations from a healthy blood sugar range can […]